provides wide-ranging proofreading services for undergraduate and postgraduate students, including PhD students, around the world. Our academic proofreaders are highly educated in many different subject areas and are carefully trained to work on documents of all kinds, so, whatever sort of document you are writing, we have the experience and expertise to help you to improve its grammar, spelling, punctuation, references and formatting until they are polished to perfection. 

We cover all academic materials including reports, term papers, dissertations, Master’s dissertations, PhD theses and other academic documents, in the Sciences, the Social Sciences and the Humanities. We will proofread your academic materials to a high standard using the experience and skills of our professional academic proofreaders. ensures that your work is free of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes and that it puts your ideas across effectively and clearly in perfect English.
We will also check that your tables and footnotes are correct and your bibliography is consistent, to make sure that you submit a professional-looking academic paper. Many of our customers are non-native English speakers who are studying on an undergraduate, Masters or PhD course at a university. We specialise in helping these students by correcting and ensuring the consistency of their spelling, grammar and punctuation, and the format of sub-headings, bibliographical references, tables, figures etc.
Your professional image can be spoilt by small grammatical mistakes and careless spelling. Let us ensure that your work faithfully and accurately reflects the quality of your research and the content of your academic writing.

Getting feedback on your academic work is sometimes difficult. Tutors do not have the time to mark your work for grammatical accuracy, yet mistakes in your writing can affect the overall impression of your work. So how can you make progress?

Many universities will not return your academic materials with grammatical errors and spelling mistakes marked. Usually university lecturers will only give you general comments on your submitted work.

Our professional proofreading of your work will show you any weaknesses you may have in English in great detail. In other words, you are able to learn from the corrections our proofreaders have made. The next time you write an essay you know where you have to pay attention and over time you will realise how your academic English has improved. This service will give you more confidence in the work you submit.

We have helped many undergraduate and postgraduate students, including PhD students, by proofreading their written work before it was submitted. Without proofreading, the work would have been marked down and even rejected or failed. In many cases, students have contacted us to proofread their work because they were failed on the first submission due to too many errors of English spelling and grammar. In most of these cases, the document was passed after proofreading.

Why Us?

We guarantee 100% satisfaction.

All our academic proofreaders are highly qualified native English speakers. The price is worked out at a flat rate per 1,000 words, so you know exactly how much the proofreading of your academic document will cost in advance.

Subject Matter Proofreaders
Experienced US and UK proofreaders are available in your academic field.

online proofreading services

Secure and Confidential
We will never give away personal details or reveal anything about your paper. The security of your document is guaranteed by Files are transferred over a secure network, and your paper will be deleted after one calendar month.

Reference Check
Our academic proofreaders will make sure that your sources are cited correctly whether you use Harvard referencing, APA style or any other citation style.

We use the ‘track changes’ function of Microsoft Word when your paper. This function allows you to move easily between changes and accept any or all of the modifications proposed by the academic proofreader. Corrections, suggestions and comments are shown in the right-hand margin and are easy to incorporate into your paper.

Interested? Get in Touch with us

If you are interested in our English proofreading services, please send us your paper, stating the academic field, deadline and any formatting or style requirements.

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Get In Touch Anytime!
Allia Future Business Centre
The Guildhall
Market Square
United Kingdom